History of the Dakota Postal History Society

The Dakota Postal History Society was formed in November of 1982 as the N.D.
Postal History Society with the following officers elected at this meeting:
Don Schiele, Grand Forks ND as President
Murray Pierce , Bismarck ND as Vice President
Gordon Twedt, Maddock ND as Secretary-Treasurer
The aim of the Society in 1982 was to create a new interest in the postal
history of North Dakota, especially now when so many communites and areas of the
state are celebrating their centennials. At the organizational meeting the
following categories of History were established:
1. Material of the Dakota Territory Period.
2. Early Statehood (Pre 1920)
3. Late Statehood (Pre Zip Code)
4. Zip Code Era
Other phases would be RPO, Machine, Flag, RFD, Doane Cancels, First Flights,
First Day Covers cancelled in North Dakota, Train Wreck or Plane Crash Covers,
The Societies first Bulletin was only two pages and layed out this
groundwork. At some point not too far after this Bulletin the North Dakota
County Series was started. The First Dakota Collectors only showed the postmarks
of the post offices and noted which ones had no known cancels. As technology
and computers evolved so did the Dakota Collector. Eventually the full covers
were shown. The front and back covers of many later issues were in color. As the Society
moved along South Dakota Collectors started to show an interest and there were a
number of articles on South Dakota Counties and other aspects of South Dakota
Postal History. The name eventually evolved to become the Dakota Postal History
Society and the Dakota Collector became a Research Journal of North and South
Dakota Postal History.

This page was last updated 01 Jan 2021
© Copyright 2007-2021 Dakota Postal History Society